
Rolf A. Christophersen


PC01- Beirut

PC02- Summer 2002

PC03- General Snaps

PC04- B & W Snaps

PC05- Japan

PC06- Estes Park

PC07- Clarice's Quilting

PC08- Geezer Tahoe 2001


My parents bought me several cameras over the years. I started with a box camera but my favorite was a Retina IIc. I had my own darkroom and sold photographs later. Billy Brown helped me understand chemicals and paper at an early age. Eventually I chose a Canon FTb until the digital craze hit. Now my camera of choice is a Nikon CoolPix 990. Some of these pages are under construction. If you see the Pontiac hood ornament, you'll know that image space is yet to be filled.




Copyright ©1999-2006 Rolf A. Christophersen
All Rights Reserved.